Random thought:

a) Why did Hillary Duff release a Christmas album?
b) Why do I know Hillary Duff released a Christmas album?!



E - L - E - C - T - R - I - C

S - I - X.


I don't know how anyone can find this song good:

But the amount of people who continuously keep finding this page/blog by searching that question ("Who sings the song Gay Bar?") into Google is astounding.

Anyway, first week of classes has gone swimmingly though they've made me quite busy as if you couldn't tell by the lack of updates and lack of MSN leaving-on-while-I'm-not-actually-at-home-anyway-so-it's-not-like-anyone-noticed-a-difference-in-my-idle-14-hour-late-responses use. You should get used to that. I'm off now to write stupid English assignment where I have to write an EXPOSITORY thesis about the variable properties of the emotion
shame. It's actually somewhat ironic; you'd think with my track record I'd have all kinds of experience with this topic but all I'm doing is drawing blanks here. Not really I just added that for comical effect because I thought that would have been pretty ironic if it were true. The truth is I'm always awesome at visual writing.

But, yes. It is as fun as I made it sound here. Maybe I'll share it here when I'm done.

Finished product = the exact opposite of everything you've ever read here.


Shame Is A Mysterious Emotion.

Before I had quit my old job as a bartender one of my co-workers and I often saw this homeless man who would scavenge through garbage bags and dumpsters for empty bottles in the back alley. He never felt shame digging through molding trash for cans he could only return at the local bottle depot for a nickel. As the cold, cruel winter months drew nearer and nearer we eventually befriended him-- his name was Jamaal and he possessed quite the silver tongue. He was different from other homeless people not to stereotype mind you. He never asked or begged us for spare money. He never asked us for food. He was determined to right every wrong he had made in his life by himself and by himself solely. We started to see Jamaal less and less frequently but when we did run into him we always welcomed and embraced him with open arms. If he wanted a free meal or a place to either just rest or warm up until he made his way on the road again we'd let him inside the bar. We didn't feel any shame. Jamaal never felt shame.

A few uneventful months passed without word or appearance of Jamaal until finally one day his abrupt yet grandeur rush through the front doors changed all that. "Please, I need $20!" he griped almost instantly after entering the bar. We thought that was a pretty unusual request for a man of his self proclaimed independent stature but he reassured us both we would get our money back within a few days and we were only being asked as a last resort. He never felt shame in asking two almost by now complete strangers for money. Apparently, his wife had to be rushed to the U of A hospital. A few days passed again without word or appearance until Jamaal came back, when he entered again he requested more money for various reasons. "My wife gave a miscarriage and she needs help!", "I need the money for a hotel so we don't die of hypothermia!", "I need money for cab fare!", "I just need food this time!" and the list of excuses went on and on. We didn't mind though. Jamaal was different. He told us afterward upon each time borrowing money we'd get it back sometimes directly, sometimes through indirect statements such as "My uncle hired me at a job I started last Thursday! So you should get all your money back soon". Between the two of us and the register at work he had borrowed maybe $400. We were helping change his life for the better. We didn't feel any shame. Jamaal never felt any shame.

Perhaps three weeks after that incident took place the same co-worker and I saw a police car outside of the bar. Police presence wasn't very unusual while working the dead night shifts there, many drunks and rowdies alike enjoyed causing trouble and pushing the limits of acceptability whilst intoxicated which often ended up in arrests. We casually stepped outside to speak with the arresting officers and ask them if they needed anything in the means of surveillance video and such just in case it involved one of our patrons. "No, but thanks" the officer replied, "We're just here for a petty drug bust." Who did we then see in the back handcuffed in the cruiser? Our old friend Jamaal. He had been apparently using our money to both buy cocaine from some local drug dealers then sold it back to his friends for inflated profit. Jamaal had run into quite a jam with one of his sellers and was unable to pay them back the coincidental sum of $400 the few weeks he continued to borrow money from us. So he did so in small payments. We felt full of shame. And yet.. Jamaal never felt any shame.

Shame is a mysterious emotion, sometimes.

[edit again]: eeh :D my English teacher is quite the hard ass. Apparently that wasn't quite an EXPOSITORY writing as it was a narrative (which I agree, it was. I actually found it extremely hard to write about an emotion without it turning into a personal narrative). He said if I had handed it in on Monday he would have given me a "passing fail" (51%) since it was still written in his eyes amazingly well but unfortunately didn't fall within the direct critera he had asked for. So, it's back to the drawing board and re-write time!

I like teacher's like him. They force me to be better. I can be better. I will be better.

[edit again]:

Here's the revised version, which is completely different from the story above.

Shame (Is Still) A Mysterious Emotion

Shame is an emotion fely by people of all ages, race and gender. For example, teenage magazines such as
"Seventeen" perpetrate notions to their demographic audience that all women must weigh a certain amount to attract the opposite sex. Although "Seventeen" has a somewhat realistic outlook on attraction, unfortunately, the magazines articles are often far from accetable and are usually written to maximize profit by exploiting the vanity of youth. All these various teenage publications accomplish is to make the reader ashamed when they literally can't measure up to their -14 size counterparts.

In addition to shame beinga singular emotion, shame can also be felt by a multitude of others at the same time-- often for different reasons. A very good example of this is a video that was leaked online starring "David Motari" an ex-marine who was stationed in Iraq. David, to the dismay of many threw a dog off a cliff. His heartless actions sparked the worldwide outrage of millions who felt ashamed of how immoral society has become. Others felt feelings of shame on an opposite side of the spectrum. They came to the consensus it was even more shameful that a small dog's life held more merit than the many innocent lives lost in the Iraq war simply because the dog had no religious, political or racial affiliation.

Likewise the worst feelings of shame can come as a complete surprise. How proud would you feel in 2001 after the terrorist attacks defending your country--only to realize seven years later the war in Iraq ended up being a product of one of the greatest intelligence failures the world's ever seen? Many soldiers willing to fight are now ashamed they ever served because their government let them down and had frabricated the pretense for war.

Shame is a broad emotion which can affect any age, race and gender. Shame can be the product of direct or indirect actions. Perhaps maybe the only thing shame has in commin with everyone is that nobody wants to experience shame for themselves. (=92%)

Cool huh?


Anonymous said…
What's your MSN address?
dave said…

(and to people that actually know me, yes I'm aware, this is probably why I get stalked by people.)
Anonymous said…
i hope that anonymous guy is your teacher and wants to take your glory hole witha giant cucumber named alfred!
dave said…
nope, didn't turn out to be him! he's like, 47, and sings folk music sometimes. so yours might still be a possibility. =|
Anonymous said…
one thing that is fun is to take someones email and post it in a gay chat saying :add this email for cam show..
and hearing it the day after at school or work
'...then suddenly when i was playing wow like 30 added me..' cheap but funny :P

btw failiuresof intelligence? im not american so i dont know uch about the war :P