#69 [random] I swear I don't have a Batman fetish.

Random thought:



Well.. I lied, maybe a small one. I can't remember the last time I saw a movie in theaters that was that good, though. I'll edit this later to something else either extensive or funny, but for now, the prologue to sell anyone else that hasn't seen it yet:

(Go see it now! or bootleg it!)

I need to learn how to convert videos. Apparently the prologue is 42,832 KB. Converting it into DivX I made the same six minute video into 4,781,998 KB (?!). This is strange especially considering the whole movie itself is 1.3 GB (1,024,652 KB).
How on earth did I make the prologue five times larger than the movie itself?!?!

Oh technology. I despise thee.

Though you make me wonder how I was able to learn highlighting & HTML.

I don't think anyone really realizes how far Batman has come. I mean, yeah, I'm sure we all remember the campy 60's version but.. do you remember it as this bad?

