#22 [random] "Yo Dave, what's that yellow thing behind you..?"

Random thought:

I keep forgetting a 7 a.m. exists.


No sir, I'm not one of the 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000298% of the humans in this world which are born with a tail (.. sadly! arghhh.) Whether it be people I randomly (make that very randomly) showcase myself on webcam for, friends and to a lesser extent even one family member - everyone who apparently suffers from ADHD, is grossly attentive to the smallest details, and doesn't like to focus on my strikingly handsome good looks, always instead asks:

"What IS that yellow thing?"

That "yellow thing" has made an appearance ever since I bought a webcam in most of the pictures I take of myself in my room.

Some examples here:




Yessir. It's always hung off a hanger on the back of my door and often becomes visible when my door is closed. Almost everyone I've interacted with online at some point has asked me what IS that yellow thing, but I've never given a completely accurate answer.

"I don't know."

"Something old."

It's usually vague responses like that.

It's too small to be a flag, and it isn't a poster. So what IS that yellow thing?

Alright, brace yourself here guys.

First step is to throw away absolutely everything you know about me.

Yeah, forget it. Just like that, all my mannerisms, my sense of abrasive humor, everything I've ever said that defiled some kind of sacred belief. This is one of those lost relics of childhood that completely clashes with the person now time has shaped me as.

That yellow thing, is...

*drum roll*



Yeahhhh. haha. I don't know why I never threw it away, but it's from when I was maybe 4 years old and from when we obviously still went to church/Sunday school every week. Our Sunday school teacher asked us to make a banner, BUT NOT TO OVERGLORIFY IT because they taught us to believe God and Jesus were minimalists which were always happy and thankful for what they had. Everyone ended up making banners which had slogans like "I love Jesus!", "[name of the kid] loves Jesus and Jesus loves my family!" and so forth that looked very, well, minimal. Then it came to me. Even though I understood the message not to over glorify the message that didn't stop me from pumping this baby full of hearts, emptying bottles of glitter out in the process while apparently inserting all kinds of hammers, staircases and and lightning bolts. Oh yeah.

How could I forget the most important symbolic part on that banner?


All those little dot things from PacMan.

I remember an elderly couple walked by and said:

"Look at that banner, he ruined it!" :D

Ah, church. I can't say I really miss you at all.

Although I do have a rather inexplicable urge to play PacMan now.



K said…
Ugh.....images blocked here at work. So anticlimactic. Must view at home.
dave said…
It's a rhinoceros having sex with a duck. When I was young I managed on a weekend church retreat to take the only photo of that happening in nature in existence. I then decorated it with glitter, proclaiming my love for Jesus all over it.

Or did I?

Not like you can tell right now. ahaha.
Anonymous said…
i want it
dave said…
I'll send it so you can keep it in another box (literally) forever? ;D ;D ;D
