Random thought:
Is sending kids to the Oiler's training camp to promote self-confidence a smart idea this year?
So, wow, it's been almost a year since my last update. It's technically been a year with 2010 rolling around earlier, and I have a little more free time nowadays as I decided to take the last (January-April) semester, and possibly the (April - September) off to work and save up some money before going back in September. I've learned so much when it came to English in the last few semesters, it's ridiculous. One day, I'll update all my erroneous-grammar infested entries with updated punctuation, grammar and spelling nazi-style so I feel content with myself again.
What else outside of nazi-grammar have I learned in university? I'm not so sure. I walked away before deciding to take a break with a higher understanding of the English language in general that easily transcended my knowledge before. Now, I laugh at all the people who don't entirely understand antecedents and pronoun conflict, verb and tense agreement, nouns, and all the other basic rules of grammardespite how nerdy that is and how nerdy that makes me.
I learned that not everybody is proficient in English. I tutored last semester English 10-1, 20-1 and 30-1 (academic route in Canada) at university (some people are just ... terrible) and was amazed how little people know when it comes to the fundamentals of English. Somebody came to me with an essay which had a sentence "every body in the restaurant ...." I turned around immediately and told her she "definitely can't have this sentence in her essay", and she asked carelessly, "Why?" Why? Why?! Because everybody isn't supposed to have a space. "Everybody in the restaurant" is a collective sentence telling me, the reader, that everybody in the restaurant is enjoying the food, the atmosphere, the music, the background ambiance, ... they're all enjoying or doing something. "Every body" IS TELLING US THERE'S CARCASSES AND BLOOD STREWN ABOUT THE TABLES, AND A HORRIBLE MASSCARE OCCURED MOMENTS BEFORE THAT LEFT EVERYBODY FOR DEAD.
I learned that students lose every inhibition they have to be civil when it comes to taking the elevator at school. In my few semesters there, I ran up and down 4-6 flights of stairs between each class (my locker was in the basement, and all my classes were on the 4th, 5th and 6th floor.) I decided to take the elevator once right before the semester end as I was really strapped for time. There was like, 14 people, easily, all squished in there with backpacks and bags galore. You could barely fit another shadow in there, but a probably ~300 lb girl decided to walk in anyway and the elevator lady voice actually said "WEIGHT CAPACITY OVERLOAD". I had an extremely hard time not laughing. The elevator lady's voice kept saying "WEIGHT CAPACITY OVERLOAD" every 2 seconds until she got off like 2 minutes later, and what made it even better is that like, 4 people got off the elevator (myself included) after she got on and caused it to freak out, and the elevator kept stating "WEIGHT CAPACITY OVERLOAD". :D Oh man, she was redder than a cherry.
I learned that I can't be trusted around whiteboards, and quoting friends:

And that image and stereotypes usually mean nothing to everybody. I didn't care about what anybody thought about me last semester, especially after I found this totally cool sparkly gummy bear binder in the basement and used it for the remainder of the semester for English.

I learned that in between studying and down time I am very good at Street Fighter 4, and can edit text in old SNES games, but I still suck at Modern Warfare 2 and other PS3 games.

And I think most of all I've learned I'm eager to go back already. =P
Making money is nice, but not when there's no education behind it!
Is sending kids to the Oiler's training camp to promote self-confidence a smart idea this year?
So, wow, it's been almost a year since my last update. It's technically been a year with 2010 rolling around earlier, and I have a little more free time nowadays as I decided to take the last (January-April) semester, and possibly the (April - September) off to work and save up some money before going back in September. I've learned so much when it came to English in the last few semesters, it's ridiculous. One day, I'll update all my erroneous-grammar infested entries with updated punctuation, grammar and spelling nazi-style so I feel content with myself again.
What else outside of nazi-grammar have I learned in university? I'm not so sure. I walked away before deciding to take a break with a higher understanding of the English language in general that easily transcended my knowledge before. Now, I laugh at all the people who don't entirely understand antecedents and pronoun conflict, verb and tense agreement, nouns, and all the other basic rules of grammar
I learned that not everybody is proficient in English. I tutored last semester English 10-1, 20-1 and 30-1 (academic route in Canada) at university (some people are just ... terrible) and was amazed how little people know when it comes to the fundamentals of English. Somebody came to me with an essay which had a sentence "every body in the restaurant ...." I turned around immediately and told her she "definitely can't have this sentence in her essay", and she asked carelessly, "Why?" Why? Why?! Because everybody isn't supposed to have a space. "Everybody in the restaurant" is a collective sentence telling me, the reader, that everybody in the restaurant is enjoying the food, the atmosphere, the music, the background ambiance, ... they're all enjoying or doing something. "Every body" IS TELLING US THERE'S CARCASSES AND BLOOD STREWN ABOUT THE TABLES, AND A HORRIBLE MASSCARE OCCURED MOMENTS BEFORE THAT LEFT EVERYBODY FOR DEAD.
I learned that students lose every inhibition they have to be civil when it comes to taking the elevator at school. In my few semesters there, I ran up and down 4-6 flights of stairs between each class (my locker was in the basement, and all my classes were on the 4th, 5th and 6th floor.) I decided to take the elevator once right before the semester end as I was really strapped for time. There was like, 14 people, easily, all squished in there with backpacks and bags galore. You could barely fit another shadow in there, but a probably ~300 lb girl decided to walk in anyway and the elevator lady voice actually said "WEIGHT CAPACITY OVERLOAD". I had an extremely hard time not laughing. The elevator lady's voice kept saying "WEIGHT CAPACITY OVERLOAD" every 2 seconds until she got off like 2 minutes later, and what made it even better is that like, 4 people got off the elevator (myself included) after she got on and caused it to freak out, and the elevator kept stating "WEIGHT CAPACITY OVERLOAD". :D Oh man, she was redder than a cherry.
I learned that I can't be trusted around whiteboards, and quoting friends:
And that image and stereotypes usually mean nothing to everybody. I didn't care about what anybody thought about me last semester, especially after I found this totally cool sparkly gummy bear binder in the basement and used it for the remainder of the semester for English.
I learned that in between studying and down time I am very good at Street Fighter 4, and can edit text in old SNES games, but I still suck at Modern Warfare 2 and other PS3 games.
And I think most of all I've learned I'm eager to go back already. =P
Making money is nice, but not when there's no education behind it!