Random thought:
I'm like a cocaine muffin with cocaine sprinkles and cocaine nuts.
I'm feeling pretty lazy tonight. I was given an extension in one of my classes to finish a writing due tomorrow, it's 12:50 AM as I start writing here and I still haven't finished it. I only need to write one page, single spaced, based on communication. I don't know what it is when it comes to that subject.. I can write in circles, literally about anything else. RIGHT OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD. Give me the subject of eradicating women from the world to replace them with one female monkey to restart the human population over and I guarantee by the end of it I could probably have 51% of the world in agreement and make it pass. Yet I can't write about communication in my life right now. A road block just comes up. Slightly ironic and paradoxical I've written about half a page on it already? Perhaps. I just don't know what to write about communication.
There's a lot to write about communication-wise also, so that's where it's puzzling me. One of the girl's I've met on campus (Hello Karen, if you read over this) and I have been to a few movies lately. One of the last ones we saw was Quarantine which by the way SUCKED. If you could take all the adjectives and nouns and verbs in the English language that had a synonym of horrible and lump them all together to make a new super word to describe just how bad Quarantine was, you'd still only be able to describe at least an eighth of how bad it truly was. It's easily one of the worst movies I've ever seen. I'll spoil it in one sentence (optionally spoiler free!) if you're hellbent on seeing it.
(Highlight to spoil):
You've seen the trailer right, where the girl is crawling around on the floor in night vision and gets dragged under screaming? THAT'S THE ENDING. AND PROBABLY THE "SCARIEST" PART THERE WAS.
IT WAS SO AWFUL. On top of that I probably set the bar so low in wanting to see that movie she could drag me to that Beverly Hill Chihuahua movie and I'd reluctantly go. I owe her, big.
I keep noticing people (somehow) keep finding my blog by searching for dinosaurs into Google images. Forget the fact for a moment my infatuation with dinosaurs so strong that I'd probably mate with a raptor if they still existed, but it reminded me of that old show aptly named "Dinosaurs" I used to watch as a kid. A lot of people hated it.. more so, it scared the living hell out of them. I never really understood why.
They didn't look that bad did they?
I mean, yeah, the whole show was live action and the dinosaurs were a bit scary but at least it was done well. WHAT ABOUT THAT SHOW BANANA'S IN PAJAMA'S? With a title alone that should have been cartoon/animation only. Yet these God ugly freaky puppet things that resemble giant yellow dildos stand around in semi-erotic stances while singing songs worst than the playfully racist rap song I might have shared with some of you I made a few years ago.Not kidding about the shitty songs sadly.
That applies to the playfully racist rap song also. Sadly. I didn't think they seemed too bad looking them back up.. but unfortunately, they reminded me of some of the cartoons I used to watch on Saturday morning. You know, looking back on those carefree childhood innocent days it's scary as hell what was approved and made into a cartoon:
Are you serious?
"It was a story night
When a bolt of lightning forced me off the road--
My car steered into a government laboratory where a top secret experiment was underway.
I swerved into the path of Dr. Kases (?) electric transfer rays -- causing me and my car to become one!
The incredible -- Turbo Teen!"
Also ignore for a moment his ass was just transformed into the front AND back seat, what're you really clutching when you grab the gear? Wait. Don't actually answer that, I don't want to know. And I thought the premise for the birth of Spider-man was completely illogical with the whole radioactive spider-thing bit him backstory. eek.
Actually, Spider-man was another show which sort of exaggerated the powers he has in the movies a little. Our web-slinger back in the cartoon days could block cars and pianos and apparently pose very suggestively @:51 while overlooking the city. I miss that. I miss how no one questioned how Spider-man was able to traverse the city by swinging around every building that had been erected there.. with only one web. I miss how the show had a budget so poor of probably $9 in the first season the animators in the opening introduction unintentionally mispelled "Fine Jewlery" and then in the next shot it (properly) changes to "Jewelry" and how back then-- it didn't matter. I miss how no one questioned how the criminals (which were released it seemed daily from the jails after being caught) could slice through Spider-man's web with a toothpick to escape and prolong the episode for 10 more minutes-- yet how it could hold the weight of three grand pianos which were always busting out of the walls of the highest sky rise buildings (for some irrational reason). Forget about his job at the Daily Bugle and how Peter has to snap photos of everyone who robs the local .. laundramat, and pastry store (never the banks for some reason?!). THE CITY HAS A BIG ENOUGH PROBLEM WITH FUCKING PIANOS FLYING OUT OF THE 39TH FLOOR OF BUILDING WINDOWS. Have you ever been walking by a skyscraper and seen a piano fly out the window? There's something serious going on here, go investigate that.
I guess it could be worse though ... anyone remember Prostars?
Oh God, it's where three of the greatest athletes of the 90's (Micheal Jordan, Wayne Gretzky and some other guy I forget/don't care about) united-- to fight crime and solve problems, made a show "all about the kids" but ironically were all voiced by actors who weren't Wayne, Micheal etc -- and gained superhero-likepowers such as Gretzky's high speed slapshot that turned into a crazy ass boomerang that could knock any criminal down or Jordan's ROCKET SHOES. It's kinda ironic that Wayne Gretzky was thrown in as a crime fighter. If you're sharp, you'll remember how I wrote about him that one time regarding how he couldn't fight at all. Not to mention he had like a career 44 PIM.
Mr. Violence and bloodthirsty, for sure.
.. And I know I just used this analogy twenty some odd seconds ago, but, if you could take all the adjectives and nouns and verbs in the English language that had a synonym of horrible and lump them all together to make a new super word to describe just how bad Prostars was, you'd still only be able to describe at least an eighth of how bad it truly was.
I also know I have a horrible habit of robbing people's I.Q while they glance over my sporadically placed thoughts/blog, so here's something I stumbled across that's actually worth watching and I thought was pretty cool. It made me think anyway.
Lastly, I took a pretty photogenic picture of myself recently. I always look great, but this one I looked exceptionally great. It just annoys me a little since no matter how I crop it, it looks strange as a MSN picture. P.S - it's not real animal fur!

(It's getting colder here, hence the redness).
phew! It's time to neglect you for a while again blog. It was fun catching up.
I'm like a cocaine muffin with cocaine sprinkles and cocaine nuts.
I'm feeling pretty lazy tonight. I was given an extension in one of my classes to finish a writing due tomorrow, it's 12:50 AM as I start writing here and I still haven't finished it. I only need to write one page, single spaced, based on communication. I don't know what it is when it comes to that subject.. I can write in circles, literally about anything else. RIGHT OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD. Give me the subject of eradicating women from the world to replace them with one female monkey to restart the human population over and I guarantee by the end of it I could probably have 51% of the world in agreement and make it pass. Yet I can't write about communication in my life right now. A road block just comes up. Slightly ironic and paradoxical I've written about half a page on it already? Perhaps. I just don't know what to write about communication.
There's a lot to write about communication-wise also, so that's where it's puzzling me. One of the girl's I've met on campus (Hello Karen, if you read over this) and I have been to a few movies lately. One of the last ones we saw was Quarantine which by the way SUCKED. If you could take all the adjectives and nouns and verbs in the English language that had a synonym of horrible and lump them all together to make a new super word to describe just how bad Quarantine was, you'd still only be able to describe at least an eighth of how bad it truly was. It's easily one of the worst movies I've ever seen. I'll spoil it in one sentence (optionally spoiler free!) if you're hellbent on seeing it.
(Highlight to spoil):
You've seen the trailer right, where the girl is crawling around on the floor in night vision and gets dragged under screaming? THAT'S THE ENDING. AND PROBABLY THE "SCARIEST" PART THERE WAS.
IT WAS SO AWFUL. On top of that I probably set the bar so low in wanting to see that movie she could drag me to that Beverly Hill Chihuahua movie and I'd reluctantly go. I owe her, big.
I keep noticing people (somehow) keep finding my blog by searching for dinosaurs into Google images. Forget the fact for a moment my infatuation with dinosaurs so strong that I'd probably mate with a raptor if they still existed, but it reminded me of that old show aptly named "Dinosaurs" I used to watch as a kid. A lot of people hated it.. more so, it scared the living hell out of them. I never really understood why.
They didn't look that bad did they?
I mean, yeah, the whole show was live action and the dinosaurs were a bit scary but at least it was done well. WHAT ABOUT THAT SHOW BANANA'S IN PAJAMA'S? With a title alone that should have been cartoon/animation only. Yet these God ugly freaky puppet things that resemble giant yellow dildos stand around in semi-erotic stances while singing songs worst than the playfully racist rap song I might have shared with some of you I made a few years ago.
Are you serious?
"It was a story night
When a bolt of lightning forced me off the road--
My car steered into a government laboratory where a top secret experiment was underway.
I swerved into the path of Dr. Kases (?) electric transfer rays -- causing me and my car to become one!
The incredible -- Turbo Teen!"
Also ignore for a moment his ass was just transformed into the front AND back seat, what're you really clutching when you grab the gear? Wait. Don't actually answer that, I don't want to know. And I thought the premise for the birth of Spider-man was completely illogical with the whole radioactive spider-thing bit him backstory. eek.
Actually, Spider-man was another show which sort of exaggerated the powers he has in the movies a little. Our web-slinger back in the cartoon days could block cars and pianos and apparently pose very suggestively @:51 while overlooking the city. I miss that. I miss how no one questioned how Spider-man was able to traverse the city by swinging around every building that had been erected there.. with only one web. I miss how the show had a budget so poor of probably $9 in the first season the animators in the opening introduction unintentionally mispelled "Fine Jewlery" and then in the next shot it (properly) changes to "Jewelry" and how back then-- it didn't matter. I miss how no one questioned how the criminals (which were released it seemed daily from the jails after being caught) could slice through Spider-man's web with a toothpick to escape and prolong the episode for 10 more minutes-- yet how it could hold the weight of three grand pianos which were always busting out of the walls of the highest sky rise buildings (for some irrational reason). Forget about his job at the Daily Bugle and how Peter has to snap photos of everyone who robs the local .. laundramat, and pastry store (never the banks for some reason?!). THE CITY HAS A BIG ENOUGH PROBLEM WITH FUCKING PIANOS FLYING OUT OF THE 39TH FLOOR OF BUILDING WINDOWS. Have you ever been walking by a skyscraper and seen a piano fly out the window? There's something serious going on here, go investigate that.
I guess it could be worse though ... anyone remember Prostars?
Oh God, it's where three of the greatest athletes of the 90's (Micheal Jordan, Wayne Gretzky and some other guy I forget/don't care about) united-- to fight crime and solve problems, made a show "all about the kids" but ironically were all voiced by actors who weren't Wayne, Micheal etc -- and gained superhero-likepowers such as Gretzky's high speed slapshot that turned into a crazy ass boomerang that could knock any criminal down or Jordan's ROCKET SHOES. It's kinda ironic that Wayne Gretzky was thrown in as a crime fighter. If you're sharp, you'll remember how I wrote about him that one time regarding how he couldn't fight at all. Not to mention he had like a career 44 PIM.
Mr. Violence and bloodthirsty, for sure.
.. And I know I just used this analogy twenty some odd seconds ago, but, if you could take all the adjectives and nouns and verbs in the English language that had a synonym of horrible and lump them all together to make a new super word to describe just how bad Prostars was, you'd still only be able to describe at least an eighth of how bad it truly was.
I also know I have a horrible habit of robbing people's I.Q while they glance over my sporadically placed thoughts/blog, so here's something I stumbled across that's actually worth watching and I thought was pretty cool. It made me think anyway.
Lastly, I took a pretty photogenic picture of myself recently. I always look great, but this one I looked exceptionally great. It just annoys me a little since no matter how I crop it, it looks strange as a MSN picture. P.S - it's not real animal fur!
(It's getting colder here, hence the redness).
phew! It's time to neglect you for a while again blog. It was fun catching up.
thanks for taking a dump on my day dave!
the main thing i thought about when watching that informative video was: even tho we live in a exponential time, we got presidents and such that are 40-50 years old and cant think in a new manner.
makes me wonder if democracy we "invented" 400 years ago is the best thing we can come up with?
and i probably cant do anything about it.
you're fucking with my head! >.<
as for presidents.. i guess with obama winning we'll see if we'll really have a new breed of president. i'm so happy obama won, a lot of what he said in his speech after being elected was true, not only that, his speech was epic. he's so iconic and youthful and by FAR one of the greatest public speakers the world has seen in a while.. but it makes me wonder how he'll do once he actually takes the office. i do hope obama brings change like he built his campaign around, but speaking and acting are two different very different pastimes.
i just hope he doesn't become another MLK.