Random thought:
I love how Mt. Pleasant park smells like canned tuna fish.
I like oranges. I like oranges. I like oranges. I like oranges. I like oranges. I like oranges. I like oranges. I like oranges. I like oranges. I like oranges. I like oranges. I like oranges. I like oranges. I like oranges. I like oranges. I like oranges. I like oranges. I like oranges. I like oranges. I like oranges. I like oranges. I like oranges. I like oranges.See?
One of my friends and I walked to Zellers & Superstore earlier to buy a few things and on our way back to my place I saw a flock of seagulls laying in a parking lot. They were pretty far away from where we were standing but almost all of them were sleeping quietly. I think, almost everyone who is the least bit rational would have either walked on by or at the most, thought "oh, seagulls" and kept on walking. Maybe in the event you're named Johnny Hurlburt you would have abused them. I apparently felt the urge to take pictures of them as I stepped closer and closer to see how close I could get before they all flew away. As you can see, we were pretty far away from the seagulls who had decided to use the cold concrete as a bed. This is also Edmonton at its scenic best.

I didn't really get close to them before they started running away.

How the hell do Seagulls have a razor sharp sense of hearing while they're asleep?

.. yep.

By now I had greatly alarmed most of the ones who were asleep. There's actually one still either asleep or just fat and lazy who isn't on his feet and ready to take flight.
As seen third from the left above.

And.. then they all flew away after this one.
Someone really needs to confiscate my camera and load me up on Ritalin.
I love how Mt. Pleasant park smells like canned tuna fish.
I like oranges. I like oranges. I like oranges. I like oranges. I like oranges. I like oranges. I like oranges. I like oranges. I like oranges. I like oranges. I like oranges. I like oranges. I like oranges. I like oranges. I like oranges. I like oranges. I like oranges. I like oranges. I like oranges. I like oranges. I like oranges. I like oranges. I like oranges.
One of my friends and I walked to Zellers & Superstore earlier to buy a few things and on our way back to my place I saw a flock of seagulls laying in a parking lot. They were pretty far away from where we were standing but almost all of them were sleeping quietly. I think, almost everyone who is the least bit rational would have either walked on by or at the most, thought "oh, seagulls" and kept on walking. Maybe in the event you're named Johnny Hurlburt you would have abused them. I apparently felt the urge to take pictures of them as I stepped closer and closer to see how close I could get before they all flew away. As you can see, we were pretty far away from the seagulls who had decided to use the cold concrete as a bed. This is also Edmonton at its scenic best.
I didn't really get close to them before they started running away.
.. yep.
By now I had greatly alarmed most of the ones who were asleep. There's actually one still either asleep or just fat and lazy who isn't on his feet and ready to take flight.
As seen third from the left above.
And.. then they all flew away after this one.
Dave quietly sneaked up next to the seagulls using his far superior intellect to fail miserably..
id watch that movie