Random thought:
My mom sent me an email telling me her "cursor" finally overheated by sending too many emails. This is exactly why you never give your parents your email address.
Or do I....?I think I do. Nope, nope, wait I don't.

Waiiiit.I honestly think I do those two are hot. Yeah, nevermind. I don't.
I just didn't know at the time of making this what exactly to put under "interests" since I have so many and generally I hate reading through lists of 500 interests that everyone else seems to share. Yes, yes, you like Johnny Depp. We all do. Have you ever looked at your contacts interests? So does everyone else. If we Google Johnny Depp 21 million results come up. I just want to read something interesting when I read interests, not have Johnny Depp punch me in the face every second time I open up a profile.
I like milk, specifically 2% milk, so I went with "milk" when I made this as the most interesting thing to me in the world right now. Somewhere midway I decided zombies gained my seal of approvalpossibly because of the sexy picture of them above and made the decision to add them to the ol' interest lists as well. And maybe within the last two weeks, decided to combine both. Zombies you can possibly milk. So far, no one else shares that interest on blogspot. I can't say I'm not surprised and I guess I can understand why, it is a pretty disturbing visual despite being my ULTIMATE FANTASY.
Anyway, those interests prompted a "fan mail" today..
P.S - Thanks "Joanna".
to antiheroforhire@gmail.com
date Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 2:13 AM
subject hey!
mailed-by [omittedforobviousprivacyreasons]@shaw.ca
i just wanted to say ur blog is pretty funny! i've never actually read one with any consistency before but yours after i randomly found it i have. i'm not really sure what the point of this email was haha. and your interests of "milk zombies zombies you can possibly milk" is cute! =) ever think about writing about that? hahaha. - joanna
At first I thought, no way. That's just too weird even if it is only to prompt reactions out of people. I sometimes feel I already push the limits of acceptability with all the random crap I write about here. My sense of humor is very unique, you see. I think, once people get to know me they fall into one of three categories. They absolutely love me and want my kids and.. at times, want to kill me because I've gone too far. They think I'm hilarious and.. at times, still want to kill me because I've gone too far. Or, the obvious one being they just want to kill me because at times I've simply gone too far. I thought from the get-go that I was going too far talking about zombies being milked.
Still do actually!
And then.. I rationalized for some odious reason. I don't know why, but zombies reminded me of the Sunshine Girls, something we have in one of our local papers here where they feature a girl every uh.. week, or day? I forget. I don't look at them that often! I think the Sunshine Girls just reminded me of the undead because sometimes, the girls really do look like something from Alien VS Predator. I thought about making a new blog and just posting in it inconspicuously like those "girl a day" pages except every so often about "hot zombies" with cheesy lines, kind of like the Sunshine Girls above. Even though I can't envision myself ever really updating it with any kind of regularity just due to the fact the concept of creeps me the hell out, I hope a lot of random people still stumble upon it and think "what in the hell... is this guy actually serious?!!"
I guess that could be considered one of my Achilles' heels if you will. I abuse the internet a lot just for shock value. I am that idiot on forums everyone loves to hate but usually laughs at anyway since more often that not I am pretty funny opposed to flat out weirdexcept maybe now. I often am that first poster. Although I know this time it will probably backfire on me. I hereby bet everyone reading this, $50, the first person that will randomly stumble upon the zombie blog will be my mother. Oh no, she won't find this one where I've comically expressed myself here and there for the last few months -- she won't read all over the nostalgic entries remembering and lightly mocking my childhood and upbringing, she'll find the one entry out of the billions and trillions of web pages on the internet insinuating I WANT TO FUCK A ZOMBIE GIRL.
Ohhhh man. Get your wallets out, I know I'm going to win this bet.
At least one of the first opening sentences I wrote there rings true.
"It's hard to believe I'm going to register for classes tomorrow morning. ... literally."
Can you imagine? One day I'll be in medicine. ha.
I can sense the gross malpractice lawsuits already.
My mom sent me an email telling me her "cursor" finally overheated by sending too many emails. This is exactly why you never give your parents your email address.
Or do I....?
I just didn't know at the time of making this what exactly to put under "interests" since I have so many and generally I hate reading through lists of 500 interests that everyone else seems to share. Yes, yes, you like Johnny Depp. We all do. Have you ever looked at your contacts interests? So does everyone else. If we Google Johnny Depp 21 million results come up. I just want to read something interesting when I read interests, not have Johnny Depp punch me in the face every second time I open up a profile.
I like milk, specifically 2% milk, so I went with "milk" when I made this as the most interesting thing to me in the world right now. Somewhere midway I decided zombies gained my seal of approval
Anyway, those interests prompted a "fan mail" today..
P.S - Thanks "Joanna".
to antiheroforhire@gmail.com
date Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 2:13 AM
subject hey!
mailed-by [omittedforobviousprivacyreasons]@shaw.ca
i just wanted to say ur blog is pretty funny! i've never actually read one with any consistency before but yours after i randomly found it i have. i'm not really sure what the point of this email was haha. and your interests of "milk zombies zombies you can possibly milk" is cute! =) ever think about writing about that? hahaha. - joanna
At first I thought, no way. That's just too weird even if it is only to prompt reactions out of people. I sometimes feel I already push the limits of acceptability with all the random crap I write about here. My sense of humor is very unique, you see. I think, once people get to know me they fall into one of three categories. They absolutely love me and want my kids and.. at times, want to kill me because I've gone too far. They think I'm hilarious and.. at times, still want to kill me because I've gone too far. Or, the obvious one being they just want to kill me because at times I've simply gone too far. I thought from the get-go that I was going too far talking about zombies being milked.
And then.. I rationalized for some odious reason. I don't know why, but zombies reminded me of the Sunshine Girls, something we have in one of our local papers here where they feature a girl every uh.. week, or day? I forget. I don't look at them that often! I think the Sunshine Girls just reminded me of the undead because sometimes, the girls really do look like something from Alien VS Predator. I thought about making a new blog and just posting in it inconspicuously like those "girl a day" pages except every so often about "hot zombies" with cheesy lines, kind of like the Sunshine Girls above. Even though I can't envision myself ever really updating it with any kind of regularity just due to the fact the concept of creeps me the hell out, I hope a lot of random people still stumble upon it and think "what in the hell... is this guy actually serious?!!"
I guess that could be considered one of my Achilles' heels if you will. I abuse the internet a lot just for shock value. I am that idiot on forums everyone loves to hate but usually laughs at anyway since more often that not I am pretty funny opposed to flat out weird
Ohhhh man. Get your wallets out, I know I'm going to win this bet.
At least one of the first opening sentences I wrote there rings true.
"It's hard to believe I'm going to register for classes tomorrow morning. ... literally."
Can you imagine? One day I'll be in medicine. ha.
mainly because i too, have always pondered what it would be like to milk a zombie.
just passing by.. LOL
you got fanmail?!! XDDD
How many ppl in you fan club now??
unless you mean how many like me because of this zombie milk thing. then i'd have to say...