#73 [random] Sometimes my mind overflows with creativity..

Random thought:

Oh, Large Faggot Worm. I didn't think there were any scientists left in the world who were crueler than the guys who discovered and named the Sperm Whale.

I guess you still beat *Nigersaurus though..


Other times it does not.

I don't really have anything interesting to say today.


*I actually wonder if teachers were forbidden from teaching kids about this dinosaur or something. I LOVE dinosaurs, we had been taught pretty extensively about prehistoric life in the earlier grades but.. I don't ever remember that one getting a mention.

Oh well. Here's to you Nigersaurus! Although you're extinct now, we won't ever forget the elusive grace, poise and unrivaled beauty you once walked over our world with.

I wonder if they ate chicken..? Okay, yeah yeah I know. Too far Dave. Even I felt the heat off that one.

R.I.P buddy. R.I.P.
