Random thought:
If dopplegängers existed I'm pretty sure I'd be the evil half.
I remember one time when I was maybe four years old I submitted a cartoon to the Edmonton Journal Saturday Morning Comics.
So... what exactly was the significance of sharing that? My cartoon was actually published! They sent me back $10 for my drawing and I wish my parents had made an extra copy before sending it in. It was probably a lame joke anyway. I just remember I drew something that involved such a crudely drawn Fred Flintstone I could have also had him registered on the national sex offenders database he looked so physically offensive.
So uhh.. what was the significance of sharing that? Well if I still had a visual example from the 90's I could prove to you I still can't draw (at least online!). One of the things friends and I sometimes did when boredom struck and no one wanted to head out and actually do something was draw-offs. We'd give each other randomly selected pictures of iconic cartoon characters we grew up watching and try to draw an exact replica in Microsoft Paint.. and it usually produced some pretty comical results. As much as I don't want to admit it a lot of my friends could actually draw online. My talent goes to hell though. The Inspector Gadget I drew again looked like a borderline pedophile.
Deleting some super old pictures earlier today I randomly stumbled upon the first and last comic I ever drew (apparently in 2006)! I can't remember what crappy internet comic provoked me to lash out at him but after one of my friends had sent me about sixty from the site that sucked I told him I could even draw a better one. Looking back on it I'm not sure if it's actually better than what he kept showing me..

At least I finished it.
.. hmm.
On that note on being an idiot we stumbled upon a site earlier this year you can rate clubs. We submitted a bunch of false reviews to a club down in Alabama probably no ones ever heard of called Doodle Hopper. I've never been in Alabama before. We've never been to Alabama before. I don't know how some of our reviews were ever accepted from the content but the unthinkable happened yesterday; someone actually submitted a real review. NOOOOOOOOOO. I wish I could have just been idly standing beside "him" (4stars) when he came home, loaded up the page and decided to write a review for the place after reading all of ours. If there was some kind of hotline to God I'd probably call him up and tell him to take me right there, right now before I died of laughter.
I can't even think of anything else to write here though earlier I felt like my head was a volcano just overflowing with ideas. Maybe if you have an hour to kill you can get as wrapped up in the documentary about a 1997 famous bank robbing I revisited about a week ago. I actually remember being sick from school the day it happened.
I was watching it on TV with my dad.
I think though the sudden drying of my creativity is a sign.
I need to clear my head.
I think I will head up to Banff this next week.
And enjoy myself.
And stop writing like this once I return.
If dopplegängers existed I'm pretty sure I'd be the evil half.
I remember one time when I was maybe four years old I submitted a cartoon to the Edmonton Journal Saturday Morning Comics.
So... what exactly was the significance of sharing that? My cartoon was actually published! They sent me back $10 for my drawing and I wish my parents had made an extra copy before sending it in. It was probably a lame joke anyway. I just remember I drew something that involved such a crudely drawn Fred Flintstone I could have also had him registered on the national sex offenders database he looked so physically offensive.
So uhh.. what was the significance of sharing that? Well if I still had a visual example from the 90's I could prove to you I still can't draw (at least online!). One of the things friends and I sometimes did when boredom struck and no one wanted to head out and actually do something was draw-offs. We'd give each other randomly selected pictures of iconic cartoon characters we grew up watching and try to draw an exact replica in Microsoft Paint.. and it usually produced some pretty comical results. As much as I don't want to admit it a lot of my friends could actually draw online. My talent goes to hell though. The Inspector Gadget I drew again looked like a borderline pedophile.
Deleting some super old pictures earlier today I randomly stumbled upon the first and last comic I ever drew (apparently in 2006)! I can't remember what crappy internet comic provoked me to lash out at him but after one of my friends had sent me about sixty from the site that sucked I told him I could even draw a better one. Looking back on it I'm not sure if it's actually better than what he kept showing me..
At least I finished it.
.. hmm.
On that note on being an idiot we stumbled upon a site earlier this year you can rate clubs. We submitted a bunch of false reviews to a club down in Alabama probably no ones ever heard of called Doodle Hopper. I've never been in Alabama before. We've never been to Alabama before. I don't know how some of our reviews were ever accepted from the content but the unthinkable happened yesterday; someone actually submitted a real review. NOOOOOOOOOO. I wish I could have just been idly standing beside "him" (4stars) when he came home, loaded up the page and decided to write a review for the place after reading all of ours. If there was some kind of hotline to God I'd probably call him up and tell him to take me right there, right now before I died of laughter.
I can't even think of anything else to write here though earlier I felt like my head was a volcano just overflowing with ideas. Maybe if you have an hour to kill you can get as wrapped up in the documentary about a 1997 famous bank robbing I revisited about a week ago. I actually remember being sick from school the day it happened.
I was watching it on TV with my dad.
I think though the sudden drying of my creativity is a sign.
I need to clear my head.
I think I will head up to Banff this next week.
And enjoy myself.
black and white letters just doesnt cut it anymore..
but what we know we all love more than a heist is a real good car chase!