#62 [random] Apparently my self proclaimed ADD doesn't affect others from loving me.

Random thought:

I used to steal $500's for myself in Monopoly when I was playing the banker.

I don't know how no one suspected me with the fist fulls of cash I'd take. I'd own like, water works, and have $5200 in cash. You'd think that would've aroused some suspicion.


It's true! Well, not the actual suffering ADD part. Friends joke around I have it since sometimes I'm so abstract minded when it comes to focusing on something. I peaked at my Google Analytics today though and apparently I can hold the attention of a lot of people. Here's the top ten list of cities which have the most "loyalty" as they call it:

(Average time spent reading):

He probably was the racist.

I'm flattered so many are taking an interest in what goes on inside of the inner workings of my mind! I'll try to keep up the same amount of humor and quality in my random writings and musings you're probably all used to by now. Sometimes though it's


Anonymous said…
i'm going to assume that i am the only (honolulu) visitor here, so. uh. what can i say? you're pretty entertaining and i am incredibly bored sometimes.

moarrr videos!!! melted frogs are at the top of my requests.
dave said…
yes ma'am, i'll get on the frog abuse. and yeah i'm pretty sure you are. there's some map overlay which shows who and where people are reading from and no one else is from lovely, lovely hawaii yet.

and even though i suck at actually being there, you need to use msn more!