Random thought:
I remember when "Where's Waldo?" was actually a viable source of entertainment.
Some girl actually walked up face to face and asked me that question tonight. There isn't really a viable reason behind a lot of things I do.. but we had a storm earlier tonight which didn't actually involve a lot of rain. So, since it was relatively dry outside I went out on my front steps and just sat there watching the storm for maybe twenty minutes. The breeze felt nice against my face as since I came home tonight the heat was ungodly. I think it hit +32 celsius today, feels about double that in my room right now.
I was surprised a total stranger cared about me. Right when she asked me that I was reminded of this news story I saw a few weeks ago when a 78 year old man was hit by a car and laid in the street full of other motorists and pedestrians and how no one actually called 911 for assistance or helped him physically. They all just left him there.
[warning: possibly graphic]
The insanely pessimistic side of me kicked in after watching it and didn't find it all that surprising or disgusting. I've been under the impression for a while now no one in the world cares about each other anymore. We're all so vain. My last employer probably put it so well, he drove me home a few occasions at closing when I had walked there instead of driving myself and storms had brewed. He said he'd never offer a ride to anyone else with how reclusive society has become -- even if he saw a women with three kids stuck in the middle of a storm without any raincoats or umbrellas; god forbid he stop and ask if she needed help she'd probably think he was a *serial rapist or **murderer.
*Unfortunately he did look like a serial rapist so perhaps he was just venting from unlucky experience.
**Unfortunately he did look like a murderer so perhaps he was just venting from unlucky experience.
(Kinda like this unfortunate guy):

I guess I looked pretty depressed just idly watching the lightning.. nothing was actually wrong, but it felt good that someone, possibly who had elaborate plans to solicit and swindle money from me anyway walked up to me to ask what was wrong out of the kindness of her heart. She also asked me why I was outside and what I was thinking. What was I thinking? I don't know. I was looking at the lightning and watching how people were reacting around me. Some people from their houses ran straight to the car as fast as they could even though the storm was still far away. I saw a few other people running down the nearby sidewalk as fast as they could towards I assume their houses or cars. You could hear kids crying when the thunder rang through the sky and see in response mothers pulling the curtains so the kids didn't actually have to see the lightning. It reminded me that humans, although vain, are so fickle. It doesn't matter what political or sexual orientation you are, your age, gender, anything, when there's a storm everyone agrees - no one wants to be outside in it. I remember one time last year while I was working they cut in on the radio and announced a tornado had just touched down around Lake Wabamun. Some girl instantly jumped up from one of the tables and freaked out because her husband was driving on his way back home from there. Everyone sitting near her offered her reassurance and condolences that everything would be fine.
Storms bring people together.
I wondered what it was like in the prehistoric era back when storms ran through and what the people then thought lightning meant. Did they also bond when they thought their lives were in danger or did they just think with every lightning bolt that colored the sky God was pissed? I wondered if they were so primitive to believe the latter if they searched for a reason behind life? Or were they just one with the animals when it came to surviving and procreating? I thought and was thinking a lot of things, but keeping up with traditional guy fashion I just told her "nothing". I just found it refreshing she asked.
I'll stop displaying my human side now.
Back on track though!
Funny, funny, let's see.
I know I've been lagging behind in the internet hilarity department recently.
Well, only thing I can think of off the top of my head right now is my YouTube account I very scarcely use. I almost never login and I've never uploaded any videos, subscribed to anyone, anything. I don't even know why I registered there -- but a few weeks ago when I did login they had some "recommended videos" feature that I assume, based on your viewing interests and habits displayed videos YouTube assumed you'd like. 95% of the time I look something up on YouTube it's usually hockey, the other 5% of the time someone sent me a link and I'm just a guinea pig mindlessly following it.
Apparently this was #1 a few weeks ago when I last signed in:
I wonder what the hell I was looking up (on a consistent basis?) where the best thing that could describe my unique personality out of 900 million videos uploaded there was a hamburger commercial from the 1980's?! This came in at #1 a few days ago:
I love how out of the billions of commercial and independent artists who share songs there it recommends me the one remix with only three words in it. ... about spaghetti at that, something I don't think I've ever looked up on YouTube before.
And lastly, #1 from today:
I don't even know wtf this is supposed to be.
I hate YouTube.
[edit]: 23/2008:
I give up there. This was today's:
I remember when "Where's Waldo?" was actually a viable source of entertainment.
Some girl actually walked up face to face and asked me that question tonight. There isn't really a viable reason behind a lot of things I do.. but we had a storm earlier tonight which didn't actually involve a lot of rain. So, since it was relatively dry outside I went out on my front steps and just sat there watching the storm for maybe twenty minutes. The breeze felt nice against my face as since I came home tonight the heat was ungodly. I think it hit +32 celsius today, feels about double that in my room right now.
I was surprised a total stranger cared about me. Right when she asked me that I was reminded of this news story I saw a few weeks ago when a 78 year old man was hit by a car and laid in the street full of other motorists and pedestrians and how no one actually called 911 for assistance or helped him physically. They all just left him there.
[warning: possibly graphic]
The insanely pessimistic side of me kicked in after watching it and didn't find it all that surprising or disgusting. I've been under the impression for a while now no one in the world cares about each other anymore. We're all so vain. My last employer probably put it so well, he drove me home a few occasions at closing when I had walked there instead of driving myself and storms had brewed. He said he'd never offer a ride to anyone else with how reclusive society has become -- even if he saw a women with three kids stuck in the middle of a storm without any raincoats or umbrellas; god forbid he stop and ask if she needed help she'd probably think he was a *serial rapist or **murderer.
*Unfortunately he did look like a serial rapist so perhaps he was just venting from unlucky experience.
**Unfortunately he did look like a murderer so perhaps he was just venting from unlucky experience.
(Kinda like this unfortunate guy):
I guess I looked pretty depressed just idly watching the lightning.. nothing was actually wrong, but it felt good that someone, possibly who had elaborate plans to solicit and swindle money from me anyway walked up to me to ask what was wrong out of the kindness of her heart. She also asked me why I was outside and what I was thinking. What was I thinking? I don't know. I was looking at the lightning and watching how people were reacting around me. Some people from their houses ran straight to the car as fast as they could even though the storm was still far away. I saw a few other people running down the nearby sidewalk as fast as they could towards I assume their houses or cars. You could hear kids crying when the thunder rang through the sky and see in response mothers pulling the curtains so the kids didn't actually have to see the lightning. It reminded me that humans, although vain, are so fickle. It doesn't matter what political or sexual orientation you are, your age, gender, anything, when there's a storm everyone agrees - no one wants to be outside in it. I remember one time last year while I was working they cut in on the radio and announced a tornado had just touched down around Lake Wabamun. Some girl instantly jumped up from one of the tables and freaked out because her husband was driving on his way back home from there. Everyone sitting near her offered her reassurance and condolences that everything would be fine.
Storms bring people together.
I wondered what it was like in the prehistoric era back when storms ran through and what the people then thought lightning meant. Did they also bond when they thought their lives were in danger or did they just think with every lightning bolt that colored the sky God was pissed? I wondered if they were so primitive to believe the latter if they searched for a reason behind life? Or were they just one with the animals when it came to surviving and procreating? I thought and was thinking a lot of things, but keeping up with traditional guy fashion I just told her "nothing". I just found it refreshing she asked.
Back on track though!
Funny, funny, let's see.
I know I've been lagging behind in the internet hilarity department recently.
Well, only thing I can think of off the top of my head right now is my YouTube account I very scarcely use. I almost never login and I've never uploaded any videos, subscribed to anyone, anything. I don't even know why I registered there -- but a few weeks ago when I did login they had some "recommended videos" feature that I assume, based on your viewing interests and habits displayed videos YouTube assumed you'd like. 95% of the time I look something up on YouTube it's usually hockey, the other 5% of the time someone sent me a link and I'm just a guinea pig mindlessly following it.
Apparently this was #1 a few weeks ago when I last signed in:
I wonder what the hell I was looking up (on a consistent basis?) where the best thing that could describe my unique personality out of 900 million videos uploaded there was a hamburger commercial from the 1980's?! This came in at #1 a few days ago:
I love how out of the billions of commercial and independent artists who share songs there it recommends me the one remix with only three words in it. ... about spaghetti at that, something I don't think I've ever looked up on YouTube before.
And lastly, #1 from today:
I don't even know wtf this is supposed to be.
I hate YouTube.
[edit]: 23/2008:
I give up there. This was today's:
how many times have you told me nothing after I asked something while writing a book in your head?
everytime. :)
at least yours make sense, and the street fighter one made me laugh. though i today was probably the worst.