Random thought:
Bill Cosby's birthday is today! He turned 71.

I wonder if he ever suffered from senility if anyone would even notice?
I remember kicking so many friends asses at this back in the day at the arcades. Street Fighter II (in all its forms) was probably the only console and arcade game I've ever really paid attention to/am freakishly god-like at. I'm pretty stoked how they're going to release it soon for PS3; it'll finally justify my decision to buy a Playstation 3 instead of an XBOX 360 or WII and it looks okay from what I've seen so far on IGN...

.. perhaps excluding Chun-Li's moderately toned down almost masculine appearance and insanely masculine over-sized gorilla hands. I'M WILLING TO BET YOU COULD CRUSH COCONUTS AND RIP STACKS OF PHONE BOOKS WITH THOSE. Know what's something I never really understood about Street Fighter though? The massive stereotypes inserted within. They had a great concept going on back in the 1990s -- take a bunch of people from different countries around the world, heavily borrow from their heritage and culture in making artists conceptions and make them beat the hell out of each other physically. It worked for the most part, even if every character they "created" reflected widely known thoughts or beliefs about that country.

You know, like Dhaslim for a perfect example. He's a pacifist fire breather (oxymoron?) from India who practices yoga in his spare time. He comes from a poor third world country and he's only entering the tournament to raise money for his village. He apparently dislikes meat and the harming of animals. I dig the skull necklace too, it's a nice touch - it really adds to his self-proclaimed eternal pacifist way of life.

And then there's E. Honda who has to be the cheapest motherfucker ever. Everyone always complained since I heavily used Guile (and therefore I was "cheap" because of that) but as long as you can mash two buttons at a time at snail intervals, you can practically win every match with his little chops. Either or, he hails from Japan which of course means he has to either dedicated his life to karate or sumo wrestling. He's a sumo just in case you couldn't tell. He apparently dislikes dishonoring his family and even his damn hair looks like one of the local bubble tea huts or noodle places there.

There's the Russian Zangief who whenever he wins, breaks into cossak dancing. In his home stage he fights in front of a group of people that might both be very drunk and unemployed. Known as the "Red Cyclone" and draped in colors that are the same as the old Soviet Union flag - he dislikes young beautiful women but special talent is "drinking a shot of vodka in one shot and enduring the severe cold." I've always hated Zangief users.

Ah and who can forget about all American muscle head Guile - my personal favorite. He's got the look of someone who rode around in a corvette during the entire 70's decade and of course due to being American, is insanely patriotic, political and has been affiliated with the Army since birth. An alleged colonel in ranking, whose interests include "very American coffee" (I kid you not) and sportin' an United States tat' and Fonzie like hair I don't think he could ooze more American stereotypes if they tried. Something interesting a lot of people might not realize: Guile is an almost archaic English word that means deception/trickery. It always made me wonder with all the stereotypes Street Fighter pumped into the game if that was intentional?
Which brings me to...

He's from Brazil... a monster, homeless and can't speak english.
Hey, what the hell Capcom!
I guess it beats the intro. The only other black guy in the original Street Fighter (II) made a cameo for a whole 6 seconds before he was punched out.
Bill Cosby's birthday is today! He turned 71.
I wonder if he ever suffered from senility if anyone would even notice?
I remember kicking so many friends asses at this back in the day at the arcades. Street Fighter II (in all its forms) was probably the only console and arcade game I've ever really paid attention to/am freakishly god-like at. I'm pretty stoked how they're going to release it soon for PS3; it'll finally justify my decision to buy a Playstation 3 instead of an XBOX 360 or WII and it looks okay from what I've seen so far on IGN...
.. perhaps excluding Chun-Li's moderately toned down almost masculine appearance and insanely masculine over-sized gorilla hands. I'M WILLING TO BET YOU COULD CRUSH COCONUTS AND RIP STACKS OF PHONE BOOKS WITH THOSE. Know what's something I never really understood about Street Fighter though? The massive stereotypes inserted within. They had a great concept going on back in the 1990s -- take a bunch of people from different countries around the world, heavily borrow from their heritage and culture in making artists conceptions and make them beat the hell out of each other physically. It worked for the most part, even if every character they "created" reflected widely known thoughts or beliefs about that country.
You know, like Dhaslim for a perfect example. He's a pacifist fire breather (oxymoron?) from India who practices yoga in his spare time. He comes from a poor third world country and he's only entering the tournament to raise money for his village. He apparently dislikes meat and the harming of animals. I dig the skull necklace too, it's a nice touch - it really adds to his self-proclaimed eternal pacifist way of life.
And then there's E. Honda who has to be the cheapest motherfucker ever. Everyone always complained since I heavily used Guile (and therefore I was "cheap" because of that) but as long as you can mash two buttons at a time at snail intervals, you can practically win every match with his little chops. Either or, he hails from Japan which of course means he has to either dedicated his life to karate or sumo wrestling. He's a sumo just in case you couldn't tell. He apparently dislikes dishonoring his family and even his damn hair looks like one of the local bubble tea huts or noodle places there.
There's the Russian Zangief who whenever he wins, breaks into cossak dancing. In his home stage he fights in front of a group of people that might both be very drunk and unemployed. Known as the "Red Cyclone" and draped in colors that are the same as the old Soviet Union flag - he dislikes young beautiful women but special talent is "drinking a shot of vodka in one shot and enduring the severe cold." I've always hated Zangief users.
Ah and who can forget about all American muscle head Guile - my personal favorite. He's got the look of someone who rode around in a corvette during the entire 70's decade and of course due to being American, is insanely patriotic, political and has been affiliated with the Army since birth. An alleged colonel in ranking, whose interests include "very American coffee" (I kid you not) and sportin' an United States tat' and Fonzie like hair I don't think he could ooze more American stereotypes if they tried. Something interesting a lot of people might not realize: Guile is an almost archaic English word that means deception/trickery. It always made me wonder with all the stereotypes Street Fighter pumped into the game if that was intentional?
Which brings me to...
He's from Brazil... a monster, homeless and can't speak english.
Hey, what the hell Capcom!
I guess it beats the intro. The only other black guy in the original Street Fighter (II) made a cameo for a whole 6 seconds before he was punched out.
but i did play it.. i think
i remember ken and his blue fire ball thing. when he yelled out hajouken.. or something.. :P
He'd hold up a nurf gun and to me, it seemed like the most life threatening weapon ever invented.
but a lot of my friends have sisters and i don't think any of them ever joined us growing up. stuff like.. sonic or mario kart i believe you'd try on your own as a girl. but street fighter? definite blackmail or physical threats were definitely involved at some point in time.