Random thought:
Jesus Christ I look sexy in pencil.


gahahah. I hand trained my bird. :DDDDDDDDDD
I also learned a few valuable lessons in the process.
- Someone out there really needs to invent a way to toilet train birds.
- I put him on my computer desk instead of back in his cage so he could eat food and drink water, but would still learn (and quite quickly) to trust me instead of jumping back into his cage and becoming antisocial again. It was pretty effective, he learned very quick skin & fingers & my hand = safe. He didn't mind climbing on them or holding onto me, downside is I learned that he still has an odd way in thinking in his little mind. He understood my skin was safe to climb and cling on, but when I tried to put him on the desk he refused to step off of me since in his little mind it looks like lava or something.
- Again, someone REALLY needs to invent a way to toilet train birds.
- Also computer desks are a bad place for birds. God didn't give them an inherent form of grip. He took a whole probably four steps the entire time I had him on my desk.. and tried to scratch his head but slipped and fell. Computer desks are too slippery for birds.
- I don't know or want to know what that white smudge behind him is on my desk.
Remove your hats people! It's standing ovation time.
Oh yeah. Happy Canada Day and all that stuff, too.
I have fireworks to shoot, friends to see and a party to attend, possibly not in that order.
Jesus Christ I look sexy in pencil.
gahahah. I hand trained my bird. :DDDDDDDDDD
I also learned a few valuable lessons in the process.
- Someone out there really needs to invent a way to toilet train birds.
- I put him on my computer desk instead of back in his cage so he could eat food and drink water, but would still learn (and quite quickly) to trust me instead of jumping back into his cage and becoming antisocial again. It was pretty effective, he learned very quick skin & fingers & my hand = safe. He didn't mind climbing on them or holding onto me, downside is I learned that he still has an odd way in thinking in his little mind. He understood my skin was safe to climb and cling on, but when I tried to put him on the desk he refused to step off of me since in his little mind it looks like lava or something.
- Again, someone REALLY needs to invent a way to toilet train birds.
- Also computer desks are a bad place for birds. God didn't give them an inherent form of grip. He took a whole probably four steps the entire time I had him on my desk.. and tried to scratch his head but slipped and fell. Computer desks are too slippery for birds.
- I don't know or want to know what that white smudge behind him is on my desk.
Remove your hats people! It's standing ovation time.
Oh yeah. Happy Canada Day and all that stuff, too.
I have fireworks to shoot, friends to see and a party to attend, possibly not in that order.
ps. mine was smart, had attitude and for some weird reason he liked it when i scratched its beek
damn you dave.. damn you..
you should buy another in that case!