Random thought:
I'm vain and MSN sucks.
I'm vain and MSN sucks.
.. yep.
I just feel like posting a bunch of pictures I've taken specifically for display pictures on MSN, but never actually used because I can never seem to crop them right and they instead zoom in on my left eye or something. That's all that will be in this entry.
Once again:
I'm vain and MSN sucks.

Damn camera, I have white fluff or something on my sleeve. This annoys me to see.

Damn camera, I have white fluff or something on my sleeve. This annoys me to see.
I guess it probably didn't help I took these two pictures like :10 seconds from each other.

I wish my camera picked up on my eyes instead of my shaving irritation. I had just shaved my face before taking that, which is why it's a little red. My eyes look black/brown in that even though they're rather green. Figures it picks up only the red.
Sexy stuff.
I hope someone reading this has a shaving irritation fetish. Actually wait, even if that did make me feel better about that picture I sure as hell wouldn't want to know you if you had one of those. The world's screwed up enough with guys putting it in dolphins blow holes, last thing I'd want to do to excite a girl is slice up my cheeks every morning.

Nooo! This picture was one of the last pictures of two distinguishing trademarks.
Facial hair! Oh, how I miss you. A girl at my old job paid me $10 to shave it off and another $10 to keep it that way since she thought I would look cuter. I did and never ever grew it back out. Perhaps it's a blessing in disguise however. I swear ever since I shaved my goatee I haven't been approached as a possible drug dealer by kids anymore. The other trait I lost with this picture is setting the flash to about 90000% of what it should be where it appears my nose has vanished. I no longer take pictures with such blinding flashes mainly since the next one my retinas will probably explode.

Well this was just too obviously emotional to use as a display picture.
Wait. ...... did I have a unibrow there?

One of my friends and I were talking in our basement and I was sitting against the wall. We had just came in from I think the movies and for some reason she had my digital camera. Aside from the fact it looks like she was about to be kicked in the face by yours truly - I don't think I've ever been SO photogenic in a picture before. Usually I'm caught with one of those goofy midsmiles where it looks as if I was in between swallowing a sandwich or something. This one came out very nice, I thought. It could totally kick the ass any of those other real emo photographs of anyone currently on the internet.
I'm vain and MSN sucks.
I'm vain and MSN sucks.
.. yep.
I just feel like posting a bunch of pictures I've taken specifically for display pictures on MSN, but never actually used because I can never seem to crop them right and they instead zoom in on my left eye or something. That's all that will be in this entry.
Once again:
I'm vain and MSN sucks.
Damn camera, I have white fluff or something on my sleeve. This annoys me to see.
Damn camera, I have white fluff or something on my sleeve. This annoys me to see.
I guess it probably didn't help I took these two pictures like :10 seconds from each other.
I wish my camera picked up on my eyes instead of my shaving irritation. I had just shaved my face before taking that, which is why it's a little red. My eyes look black/brown in that even though they're rather green. Figures it picks up only the red.
Sexy stuff.
I hope someone reading this has a shaving irritation fetish. Actually wait, even if that did make me feel better about that picture I sure as hell wouldn't want to know you if you had one of those. The world's screwed up enough with guys putting it in dolphins blow holes, last thing I'd want to do to excite a girl is slice up my cheeks every morning.
Nooo! This picture was one of the last pictures of two distinguishing trademarks.
Facial hair! Oh, how I miss you. A girl at my old job paid me $10 to shave it off and another $10 to keep it that way since she thought I would look cuter. I did and never ever grew it back out. Perhaps it's a blessing in disguise however. I swear ever since I shaved my goatee I haven't been approached as a possible drug dealer by kids anymore. The other trait I lost with this picture is setting the flash to about 90000% of what it should be where it appears my nose has vanished. I no longer take pictures with such blinding flashes mainly since the next one my retinas will probably explode.
Well this was just too obviously emotional to use as a display picture.
Wait. ...... did I have a unibrow there?
One of my friends and I were talking in our basement and I was sitting against the wall. We had just came in from I think the movies and for some reason she had my digital camera. Aside from the fact it looks like she was about to be kicked in the face by yours truly - I don't think I've ever been SO photogenic in a picture before. Usually I'm caught with one of those goofy midsmiles where it looks as if I was in between swallowing a sandwich or something. This one came out very nice, I thought. It could totally kick the ass any of those other real emo photographs of anyone currently on the internet.
....... and unibrow!