Random thought:
If women and money have taught us anything it's that ugly millionaires don't exist.
Apparently he struck again today in New York and was promptly arrested by scaling one of the taller buildings (the New York Times) in Manhattan. The building itself is 52 stories high. He climbed the entire thing with just his bare hands and climbing boots.
Can you even imagine that?

I don't know what to even say. I've seen stuff like this before...
Although I don't so much think they had a reason. Apparently our friend the french spiderman wanted to promote awareness for national earth day. Hey, quick poll, how many of you turned your lights off for an hour a few months ago when we were all asked to by our local governments and politicians? Yeah, I thought so. And now after he scaled this building how many of you will? .. yeah, I thought so. I don't think our legislature even turned off their lights here even though they coordinated the damn event for our city. Not to mention the two to three up there were just insane. The caption ".. it'd be a hell of a time to realize you couldn't do a pull up" best describes their posse.
We still have the almost racistly named search engine blackle.. though!
Oh well. On the upside at least hockey is over, unfortunately Detroit won yet another cup yesterday. I don't think Scotty Bowman has any fingers left to put on anymore rings, that guys a savage. Pittsburgh was robbed in the last 2.0 - seconds also. Hossa I believe tapped it over a beaten Osgood and it literally floated across the goal line. Apparently it wouldn't have mattered anyway since before the shot even landed the clock had run out but they came *this* close to sending it into overtime.
I'm kind of happy they're done with, hockey has become disturbing for a while now with its advertising. Sure, some hockey commercials are alright but I pay for satellite.
I usually watch 98% of the hockey games on CBC even though I prefer Bill Clament as a commentator on TSN.. but I noticed this post season now more than ever if you're watching the games on an American station EVERY advertisement is about joining the military/navy. EVERY SINGLE ONE. Big brother has arrived, every :10 spare seconds they have, you're being spoon fed about how you should spend the rest of your life in the reserves. I shouldn't rub too much salt in the wounds though, we're just as bad up here except every :10 seconds the NHL advertises in Canada for some reason we have a surplus of Viagra commercials. I don't know what's worse, being told for two straight hours I should go out and get an erection or to flat out murder a man. Hmm..
If women and money have taught us anything it's that ugly millionaires don't exist.
Apparently he struck again today in New York and was promptly arrested by scaling one of the taller buildings (the New York Times) in Manhattan. The building itself is 52 stories high. He climbed the entire thing with just his bare hands and climbing boots.
Can you even imagine that?
I don't know what to even say. I've seen stuff like this before...
Although I don't so much think they had a reason. Apparently our friend the french spiderman wanted to promote awareness for national earth day. Hey, quick poll, how many of you turned your lights off for an hour a few months ago when we were all asked to by our local governments and politicians? Yeah, I thought so. And now after he scaled this building how many of you will? .. yeah, I thought so. I don't think our legislature even turned off their lights here even though they coordinated the damn event for our city. Not to mention the two to three up there were just insane. The caption ".. it'd be a hell of a time to realize you couldn't do a pull up" best describes their posse.
We still have the almost racistly named search engine blackle.. though!
Oh well. On the upside at least hockey is over, unfortunately Detroit won yet another cup yesterday. I don't think Scotty Bowman has any fingers left to put on anymore rings, that guys a savage. Pittsburgh was robbed in the last 2.0 - seconds also. Hossa I believe tapped it over a beaten Osgood and it literally floated across the goal line. Apparently it wouldn't have mattered anyway since before the shot even landed the clock had run out but they came *this* close to sending it into overtime.
I'm kind of happy they're done with, hockey has become disturbing for a while now with its advertising. Sure, some hockey commercials are alright but I pay for satellite.
I usually watch 98% of the hockey games on CBC even though I prefer Bill Clament as a commentator on TSN.. but I noticed this post season now more than ever if you're watching the games on an American station EVERY advertisement is about joining the military/navy. EVERY SINGLE ONE. Big brother has arrived, every :10 spare seconds they have, you're being spoon fed about how you should spend the rest of your life in the reserves. I shouldn't rub too much salt in the wounds though, we're just as bad up here except every :10 seconds the NHL advertises in Canada for some reason we have a surplus of Viagra commercials. I don't know what's worse, being told for two straight hours I should go out and get an erection or to flat out murder a man. Hmm..