Random thought:
I just re-watched PETA's awareness videos about the horrific fur industry.
I'm having a hard time finishing my pizza now.
[edit]: The link to the PETA video is actually very graphic, so be warned if you have a weak stomach. I had someone complain to me earlier about it but in all honestly WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU EXPECT FUR SKINNING TO LOOK LIKE!!?
Yep, I'll update this entry (probably not) as I randomly stumble upon more of the worlds greatest internet postings. I don't think any could ever hold a candle to this one since it not only takes the crown but throne and scepter as well. It's probably the best post ever written not only on the internet movie database website but EVER on the internet.

I just re-watched PETA's awareness videos about the horrific fur industry.
I'm having a hard time finishing my pizza now.
[edit]: The link to the PETA video is actually very graphic, so be warned if you have a weak stomach. I had someone complain to me earlier about it but in all honestly WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU EXPECT FUR SKINNING TO LOOK LIKE!!?
Yep, I'll update this entry (probably not) as I randomly stumble upon more of the worlds greatest internet postings. I don't think any could ever hold a candle to this one since it not only takes the crown but throne and scepter as well. It's probably the best post ever written not only on the internet movie database website but EVER on the internet.