Random thought:
Pizza just isn't a pizza unless something has died on it.
Why was Hemsky in my sack of oranges?
In the last two weeks I've started this pretty rigorous exercise regime (not that I need to lose any weight, mind you). Or well, I started literally, haven't really fallen through with following it yet due to the wacky spring snowfall we had about a week ago. I want to bulk up a bit for the summer, so I started jogging every morning for about an hour, came home to do weights/crunches (in total) for about another hour and then I was done for the day, occasionally following that by either sports with friends during spare time or some more weights when I came home after work. Combine that with fresh fruits and vegetables (which I had been eating almost daily!) my calorie intake was very low and my energy levels were very high - as indicated by my previous MSN name some might have seen and wondered if I had a mild interest in explosives.
@ Any new sites that may happen to read this:
NO, that wasn't some kind of warped online confession for grizzly school related violence to come.
The MSN name in question:
@ Any new sites that may happen to read this:
NO, that wasn't some kind of warped online confession for grizzly school related violence to come.
I've lost about four pounds so far! and toned up my midsection some which is good because I became a little lazy this last winter by not really doing anything athletic with anyone at all. As the snow has started to melt, I bought this sack of oranges on my way home tonight to resume with the consuming of fruits and vegetables on hopefully a daily basis. There's probably about 20 oranges in there and I'll probably finish them all in maybe two weeks tops.. and, inside this bag was an "official" (I use that word very lightly here) HEMSKY HOCKEY (and or) TRADING CARD.
Okay, we're Canadians. I get it.
The playoffs are on and we're so hopelessly addicted to them you could waltz into a funeral, interrupt the eulogy and pipe up about last nights game(s) and nobody would mind. Hell, you could probably saw off the recently deceased hand to use in a game of school yard puck and I still don't think they'd mind. We live and breath it here.
But, hockey cards in a SACK OF ORANGES?
Each orange contains.. 130% of your daily recommended intake of Vitamin C.
20 (oranges) x 130% = 2600% ..
Since Hemsky is "4 of 10" that means there's 9 other hockey cards to collect here.
9 (bags) x 20 (oranges) x 130% = 23400%
That means if you want to collect all these cards, you're going to have to take in 26000% of your recommended intake of Vitamin C.
Is that still healthy?
Oh well, Hemsky can sell out all he wants (as I assume he had some say in letting Sunkist slap his face into every 10th bag of oranges they produce). We all love him for probably the most magical moment seen in hockey in a long time. A real long time:
Pizza just isn't a pizza unless something has died on it.
Why was Hemsky in my sack of oranges?
In the last two weeks I've started this pretty rigorous exercise regime (not that I need to lose any weight, mind you). Or well, I started literally, haven't really fallen through with following it yet due to the wacky spring snowfall we had about a week ago. I want to bulk up a bit for the summer, so I started jogging every morning for about an hour, came home to do weights/crunches (in total) for about another hour and then I was done for the day, occasionally following that by either sports with friends during spare time or some more weights when I came home after work. Combine that with fresh fruits and vegetables (which I had been eating almost daily!) my calorie intake was very low and my energy levels were very high - as indicated by my previous MSN name some might have seen and wondered if I had a mild interest in explosives.
@ Any new sites that may happen to read this:
NO, that wasn't some kind of warped online confession for grizzly school related violence to come.
The MSN name in question:
@ Any new sites that may happen to read this:
NO, that wasn't some kind of warped online confession for grizzly school related violence to come.
I've lost about four pounds so far! and toned up my midsection some which is good because I became a little lazy this last winter by not really doing anything athletic with anyone at all. As the snow has started to melt, I bought this sack of oranges on my way home tonight to resume with the consuming of fruits and vegetables on hopefully a daily basis. There's probably about 20 oranges in there and I'll probably finish them all in maybe two weeks tops.. and, inside this bag was an "official" (I use that word very lightly here) HEMSKY HOCKEY (and or) TRADING CARD.
Okay, we're Canadians. I get it.
The playoffs are on and we're so hopelessly addicted to them you could waltz into a funeral, interrupt the eulogy and pipe up about last nights game(s) and nobody would mind. Hell, you could probably saw off the recently deceased hand to use in a game of school yard puck and I still don't think they'd mind. We live and breath it here.
But, hockey cards in a SACK OF ORANGES?
Each orange contains.. 130% of your daily recommended intake of Vitamin C.
20 (oranges) x 130% = 2600% ..
Since Hemsky is "4 of 10" that means there's 9 other hockey cards to collect here.
9 (bags) x 20 (oranges) x 130% = 23400%
That means if you want to collect all these cards, you're going to have to take in 26000% of your recommended intake of Vitamin C.
Is that still healthy?
Oh well, Hemsky can sell out all he wants (as I assume he had some say in letting Sunkist slap his face into every 10th bag of oranges they produce). We all love him for probably the most magical moment seen in hockey in a long time. A real long time: